"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." - Col. Jeff Cooper

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The joy of a big boomer

Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted since mid-August. Sorry guys (and gals). I started on a new job on Aug. 30th as a consultant and then converted to a full time employee on Nov. 1st so work has kept me busy. Things are starting to settle down a bit now so here I am with more gun ramblings.

This past weekend, a friend that works with my wife approached her about a gun he had for sale. He had a S&W 29-3 with a 6" barrel (the same configuration Dirty Harry used) and he wanted to sell it to fund another gun purchase. The next day, I went to visit him and check it out. I fully planned to take a look at it and tell him I wasn't interested. I was really only going to see him to offer him some advice on how to go about selling it on CarolinaShootersForum in the classifieds section. However, when I saw it I realized I needed to have it. I do have another .44 Magnum... a Ruger Super Blackhawk, but there is something about a nice double action .44 Mag. I didn't have enough cash with Christmas so close, but I offered him a trade that he took.

After thinking about it harder, I decided I really liked the gun but just don't care for blued revolvers. Bluing takes more maintenance to keep it looking nice and it seems that all the rounded surfaces on a revolver just make it harder to deal with. I posted it myself on CSF and traded it for a 5.5" Ruger Redhawk in the same caliber, but in stainless steel. This gun is built like a TANK! I love the feel of a well built, big revolver.

Is it the most practical gun out there? No. However, they are just so much fun to shoot that I really think at least one belongs in any complete gun collection. Now you can see why writing an article like my last one is so difficult. One post later, I'm adding to it.

Stay safe out there... and watch your six.


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