"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." - Col. Jeff Cooper

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First, some politics

Before I get to my main topic for this week, I want to bring a few items to your attention. Currently, there are two pro-gun bills going through the NC Legislature. When I started this blog, I intended for it to be mostly about gear. That is the fun stuff. However, the politics to protect our rights is very important too. Indulge me while I speak about those topics first.

House Bill 257 is the "No Seizure of Lawful Firearms in Emergency Act". Basically this bill clarifies the state law and specifically says that law enforcement cannot seize your guns in a state of emergency. This is of course in reaction to what the thugs that call themselves cops in New Orleans did during Katrina.


Senate Bill 235 / House Bill 270 is the "Personal Protection in Restaurants Act". This would remove the restriction from holders of concealed handgun licenses from being able to carry in restaurants that serve alcohol. Of course, you still could not drink while carrying (nor should you be able to), but at least you could protect yourself while having dinner in a Chili's or Applebee's or similar.


Lastly, there is a online petition going around trying to get the legislature to strengthen our Castle Doctrine. NC does have a weak Castle Doctrine now that gives us the right to defend ourselves in our homes. However, it does not guarantee we will not be prosecuted and it does not protect us from civil litigation from the family of the person who broke into our home. This needs to be fixed so that good people, defending their home and family don't have to go bankrupt from legal fees because the mother of some crack head sues you for shooting her poor, misguided son who was just turning his life around when he broke into your home and came at you with a machete. In case, you couldn't tell, I have strong feelings about this one.


Please sign the petition, and if you live in NC, contact your State Representative and State Senator to ask them to support strengthening the Castle Doctrine and to support the other pro-gun legislation I linked. Stay safe out there... and watch your six.


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