"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." - Col. Jeff Cooper

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My first post

Welcome to the Watch Your Six blog. I have been wanting to do a gun website for some time now, but other projects kept getting in the way. I have finally decided that even though doing a blog is not as robust as I would have liked, it will at least actually get done.

Let me first introduce myself. My real name is Sean, but I go by frogger on most of the gun forums around the 'net. I'm 36 years old, married and live in NC. I have been shooting since I was 13 and have been shooting competitively off and on for the last 9 years. I've mostly competed in IDPA, but I have shot PPC matches as well. I've attended High Power Rifle matches and Cowboy Action matches to see if I'd like to try those, but just haven't had the funds to buy the right gear for them yet.

I will do my best to post at least once per week and try to come up with a new, gun related topic for each post. My interest in guns is mostly for self defense so most of the posts will probably involve self defense style guns.

I get a lot of my information on guns from multiple sources...
- Gun podcasts like Gun Talk, Down Range Radio, Handgun Podcast, Pro Arms, and the Gun Dudes.
- Gun forums like 1911forum, AR15, CarolinaShootersForum, GlockTalk, M4Carbine, RugerForum, S&WForum, SigForum and XDTalk.
- Gun magazines like American Rifleman and Guns & Ammo.
- Shooting TV shows like Best Defense, Shooting Gallery and Personal Defense TV.

I'll try to post links as soon as I get a chance for some of these. Anyway, I hope you will check back occasionally and see my latest articles. I'll try to have something a little more informative for next time. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe out there... and watch your six.


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